Sunday, December 5, 2021

What is the best way to travel Europe?

Depending on how long you can afford it and what kind of experiences you're looking for, Europe can be done in various ways. I went to 7 cities in 3 weeks, and while I usually pace myself, others go for shorter trips.

If you're planning on meeting people, stay in a hostel. They seem to attract open-minded individuals who are up for having a good time. In Europe, average rates for hostels are around $15 to $35 per night.

Cheap flights to Europe are usually well-hidden costs, and it's important to keep track of these details to avoid getting bogged down in airport delays and fees.

The InterRail pass is not cheap depending on the size of your group. In most cases, it's cheaper to rent a car and divide the costs into a few smaller bills than to take the train.

Availing a car rental service will allow you to drop off the vehicle in another country. There are a few countries where it is usually illegal to rent a car.

Although the InterRail pass is economical for a short trip, it's not the best option for long-term travel. If you're planning on using it, make sure that you pay more for the pass than for a shorter trip. It's also tiring and unrewarding to spend multiple hours on the train.

Ideally, stay in at least one city for at least a full day. Not every day is a full day, and a day where you're not planning on traveling is a good idea.

Make a list of the things that you want to do in each city. It doesn't have to be a schedule, and you can't do everything on it.

There's no need to wander around the streets of every city. Instead, explore all the different parts of the city and try to get a good sense of each side.

Public transit is a great way to get around a city. It saves money and encourages people to travel widely.

Pack light. It's a good idea to start planning what clothes you'll wear each day and pick up days to do laundry.

Ask around for helpful suggestions from the locals. It's a great way to get in touch with the people who are most likely to ask about anything that's interesting to them. They'll most likely tell you about places that are less touristy.

Getting to know people in places that are interesting to you is a vital part of any travel experience. It can help you get to know someone, get a tour, or even join a group of people in a different activity the following day.

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