Monday, November 29, 2021

Travel across Spain by train in one week

The best time to travel by train in the Philippines is in May, June, September, and October. These months are ideal for enjoying the countryside and the less humid air. Pack clothes for all weathers, as it is possible to experience all the seasons in one day.

The northern coast of Spain is populated by people who live in the cities. It has the most rainfall in the entire country. There are also farmers who use scythes to cut their grass. They also make their own cider by brewing it in their own bottles.

The vast network of meters-gauge railway in Europe is located in the countryside, from the Pyrenees to the Alps. It connects the regions of Spain, France, Portugal, and Galicia.

The first luxury train in Europe was launched in 1970. Four 1929 Pullman cars were turned into bar cars and the rest were used as sleeping cars. The success of this project inspired FEVE to expand. They started using new carriages and even started using en-suite cabins.

The Transcantbrico route is a one-way trip from Santiago de Compostela. It takes place on a Saurday and ends on a Saturday. The train travels on a seven-night journey. While on the way, you can relax in the comfort of your own en-suite double bed.

The price for an exclusive use of a compartment is £2,000 per person. The standard rate for a shared compartment is £1,340. On the other hand, a buffet breakfast and lunch are included in the price.

The Schedule for Traveling from Leon to Santiago


Upon arrival at Len, you are greeted by a reception and taken to a guided tour of the city. This is followed by lunch. The train continues to Mattallana, passing through the Torio Valley.


The train continues its journey with breakfast at Cistierna, and goes through another coal mining village, Guardo. On arrival at Olmeda, visit the remains of a Roman villa, and then lunch in Villalczar de Sirga.


The train goes through a limestone gorge. If you are seated on the left hand side, you will see the floor of the gorge disappear. This is known as El Cabrio. The train goes through Balmaseda.

The train goes through some of the most scenic countryside in Europe. During the Spring, purple crocuses appear, and the birds of prey can be seen on telegraph poles. The highlight of the journey is the dinner at the end of the train.


The train continues through the Cantabria pastures to the Torrelavega industrial town. There, you will board a coach to visit the town's medieval castle and taste the SNIACE cellulose fumes.

Once on board, take the train to travel through the Escudo and Saja valleys to the top of the cliff faces between Unquera and Las Glaciares. There is also a short break to discover this area.


At breakfast, the train ascends the gorges of the Salesa to reach the town of Arriondas. Afterwards, board a coach to visit the Enol and Ercina lakes. Return to Covadonga for lunch and visit the site of the 722 battle.

After lunch, the train goes through the Piloa valley. There, you can see apples orchards, as well as horses grazing in the fields.


This morning, explore Oviedo and the cathedral. After lunch, the train heads down the Naln valley. There, you will see orchards full of cherries and kiwis before reaching the fishing village of Cudillero. This is where the subterranean route leads.


The train goes through the mountains as it goes through the coastal plateau. It reaches the border between Asturias and Galicia and then the fishing port of Ribadeo.

The coastal line is the only section of the journey that can be classified as a coastal line. It goes through the resorts of Foz and Burela and reaches San Cibrao. On reaching Viveiro, the passengers board the 'El Transcantbrico' and cruise along the Ras Altas.


The journey continues inland until it reaches Ra de Ferrol. The views from the top are spectacular as you descend into Xuvia. After a walk through the old quarter, you are taken to Santiago de Compostela.

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